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ORIENTASAUN Molok atu hahu ou tama ba iha fatin ruma ita persiza koinese uluk lai kondisaun, sistema, ambiente no regras ruma ne’ebe mak estabele iha fatin ida ne’ebe maka ita atu tama ba. Hanesan iha skola, molok atu hahu eskola iha fatin ruma ita persiza koinese uluk lai eskola refere, atu koinese eskola refere maka […]
Enkontru Jeral Colegio São Francisco de Assis ho Inan – Aman tinan 2021
Planu no Aktividade refere aprezenta husi Diretor EBC, Sr. Carlos Inacio Gusmão, L.ed
Lansamento Proseso Aprendizajem iha CSFA Post-Covid-19
The perfect class for your child with the best staff and best teachers.
Celia Alves hetan 3 Lugar iha Nacional (Timor-leste)
Parabens Be Estudante sira hotu. Boa-viagem ba imi hotu e keta haluha Hetan ona Matenek iha fatin nebe deit keta haluha Fila mai Fahe iha Ita nia Uma Colegio Assisi.
Exame (ujian ) maka hanesan oportunidade ba estudante sira atu prova sira nia kompetensia ba materia ou siencia ne’ebé maka durante periodu ida nia laran sira aprende. Exame mos sai hanesan momentu kompetativa ida. Tan iha momente ida ne’e, estudante sira sei explora sira abilidade hodi prienxe pontos (soal ) ne’ebé maka hanesan, se […]
Apply for Admission Call to Action
Our happy parents
Smarty Kindergarten is a great place for my daughter to start her schooling experience. It’s welcoming and safe and my daughter loves being there! This letter is to recognize you and your staff for doing an excellent job teaching my daughter. Her skill level is significantly better since attending Smarty!
Smarty Kindergarten is a great place for my daughter to start her schooling experience. It’s welcoming and safe and my daughter loves being there! This letter is to recognize you and your staff for doing an excellent job teaching my daughter. Her skill level is significantly better since attending Smarty!
Smarty Kindergarten is a great place for my daughter to start her schooling experience. It’s welcoming and safe and my daughter loves being there! This letter is to recognize you and your staff for doing an excellent job teaching my daughter. Her skill level is significantly better since attending Smarty!
Private yet affordable elementary school offering a stimulating curriculum and a supportive environment.
Private yet affordable elementary school offering a stimulating curriculum and a supportive environment.
Private yet affordable elementary school offering a stimulating curriculum and a supportive environment.